There’s always a front-page story about some organization’s failures and how it could be done better. And that’s typical in our society. We tend to focus on the negative because it’s easy to stand safely in the back of the crowd, pointing out what is wrong and why a good idea cannot become a great reality.
That’s not how I operate. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. It’s harder to actually be a “doer,” especially in uncertain times. But if there’s one thing the Army taught me, it’s how to be a leader during good times and bad. How to move relentlessly to the front and inspire those around you to do the same. This is why I co-founded Dixon Center and serve as a vocal advocate and mentor for our veterans, their families and the families of our fallen.
I served as the Coalition Force Commander in Diyala Province, Iraq from 2006 – 2007. It was one of the hardest years of my career because of the hostility we encountered – but it was also one of the most valuable and rewarding. Because it was on the battlefield, seeing my soldiers getting shot at, with bombs detonating around us, that I truly learned that successful leaders don’t dig in and defend. No, successful leaders reject the fortress mentality, turn to the front and stand side-by-side with their teams to set an example and help win the day.
An effective leader builds upon four pillars to deploy teams through a crisis:
- Character: Follow-though on your commitments, even after the initial rush has given way to a realization of the difficulties of the task at hand.
- Knowledge: Leaders tie their teams into the whole, rather than simply assigning individual tasks. And, a leader not only considers the task-at-hand but also anticipates future challenges.
- Pressure: Be clear upfront with your expectations and demand excellence.
- Motivation: By communicating effectively, securing buy-in from the start, and empowering teams to make decisions, you’ll build confidence and a team that stands with you because they want to, not because they have to.
These core battlefield values translate equally well to corporate America. I know this because of the feedback I’ve received after making “Lead From The Front” presentations across the country. I’m currently putting this knowledge down on paper and hope to turn it into a book in the next year. Until then, keep your eye on this blog. And check out my “Lead From The Front” video.