Our approach begins with measuring your organizational culture by using the Barrett Values Center’s toolkit, a proven method that our team has used with multiple organizations.

We quantify the dynamics within your workplace to identify where employees are engaged, where they are disconnected, and how to improve. The resulting report offers multiple views into what is shaping the corporation’s performance, the basis for decision making within the business, and offers a context for day-to-day behaviors and actions.

With the results as a starting place, we drive a process, together with senior leaders, to co-create ways to address the findings, activate employees, lay the groundwork for future improvements, and identify how to measure management’s progress.

We then work with clients to redesign contributing business practices, like day-to-day decision making processes, onboarding, ethical leadership development, and recognition programs, so that declared core values are linked to behaviors and manifest themselves in the business on a daily basis. The ultimate goal is a business where the core values of leadership can drive the behaviors of innovation and be measured in terms of improved job performance and increased employee engagement and retention, all under the corporation’s umbrella of culture.